Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Oh No D'Angelo

It's been 10 years since D'Angelo's last album Voodoo was released and just like every other fan out there I have been waiting ever since for a new one. So what's he been doing? Well he has been busy getting arrested several times, being involved in car crashes, putting on weight, losing that weight again...it's no wonder he hasn't had much time for music. And now....?

It seems that Michael 'D'Angelo' Archer and Those Dreamin' Eyes of his, decided that One Mo' Gin just wasn't enough and he wanted to get Higher. So he decided to go Cruisin for a Lady who might also Feel Like Makin Love. Well what he did next was not exactly Smooth because he ended up goin for a piece of the Devil's Pie.

If only he had looked Left and Right a few more times he might have realised the undercover cop. After gettin caught red handed trying to pay $40 for a hooker you can bet he was sayin Sh!t, Damn, Motherfcuker!

For the less musical official version see the story on BBC News.

Personally I don't care if he writes the whole of his next album being obese and high on cocaine whilst driving around crashing cars and picking up prostitutes...the guy is a musical genius and the world needs at least one more album!!


1 comment:

Statis Beatnik said...

I just have to reiterate the last point......Musical genius!
