Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Rehab for Kids

It’s no secret that nowadays kids have pimped out bedrooms including TVs, laptops or computers, Playstations, X-boxes and Wii’s.

Its been reported that a London clinic is launching the country's first therapy programme for children addicted to the internet and computer games. Like me you maybe think errr what the hell is going on with todays world, but really thinking about it, children are not as active as there use to be. Yeah I'm old school, I used to love P.E at school. Don't get me wrong, computer games were great at the time but playing football on the street corner with my friends was our number one hobby (I rememeber shouting out car when a car was coming so we all stopped).

Nowadays the computer games are more advanced, social networking is a bug and you can watch all sorts on the internet now. I was a little bit confused when my little brothers got homework and were told to research on the computer (what happened to books).

I never had to go to rehab for playing Pro Evo for hours upon hours, but this clinic wants to treat children as young as 12 that have serious issues, such as flying into a rage if they have been told to switch it off. Its been said that they will have to go cold turkey and also be taught face to face social skills.

Question may be how long should a child be on a computer? A survey of a secondary school children revealed that more then a quarter are spending more then six hours a day on computers. Some symptoms are said to be sleep disorders, fatigue and depression. This is really beyond a faze if these reports are true, but is rehab the answer? I'm just thinking of all these other so called clinics that celebs attend and are in and out more times then a 24hr McDonald’s drive thru.

A friend of mine was going on about internet bullying, I'm still abit confused on how you can but then again anything is possible, but can't you just block them?! Just reading in the paper that a young girl took an overdose after class mates tormented her on Bebo. I mean this is taking things to far, if you are like that then don’t display yourself to the internet world as you can be open to anything. In a perfect world yes people will say great things about you but hey that's not the world we live in and for that sake people, kids etc need to learn to keep some things to themselves. It’s like people want everybody to know everything about them.

This computer and internet issue is not just a children problem as adults suffer too. Maybe you could be one of them without realising.

Here is a list of key things to spot if you are an addict:

Do you ignore and avoid other work or activities to spend more time on-screen?

Do you often check messages or e-mails before doing something else you need to do, even delaying meals?

Do you prefer to spend time with people online or through messaging to socialising?

With the world going crazy with Blackberries and IPhones, it seems that we have gone crazy for these gadgets that allow us to use facebook, msn and other social sites on our phones. Just think sometimes before you spend hours on end on the internet, or perhaps even try a good old fashioned chat face to face!

With all this being said…..make sure you keep reading this blog! :)


Thursday, 18 March 2010

Hustles with Russells

Affion Crockett does Russell Simmons again to good effect! Good to see the real Simmons play along too.


Supra Red Canvas/Adidas Originals Kzklot

A couple of items that have caught my eye recently. (Hint: my birthday is in June)

First up Supra are releasing a Red Canvas pack for this Spring/Summer. The pack comprises of the trademark Supra high tops, some boat shoes (sorry Jay-Z but nah thanks) and some Stan Smith-esque tennis shoes. The high tops were my faves and a pair for this summer would be nice.

Next we have a collaboration by Adidas Originals and Originals. The "Kzklot" is all black and simple enough in design but i'm feelin it.


Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Google's Latest Race Storm

Anyone who has ever used Google (probably 100% of anyone reading this) will have no doubt witnessed the "autocomplete" feature at work when you type in your topic. It's simple, just start typing your search and you are offered suggestions based on what the most popular searches are at the moment. I'd be lying if I said I had never played around seeing what crazy things people may have been searching for.

Moving swiftly to the point, what if this functionality was being abused? Well try going to Google, typing the word "why" in the search bar and then see what you are presented with. You will find the following results...

Hmm...well what can you say about that? Well let's break it down.

Surely this is Google's fault and it's up to them to remove it? I'd say no. They have algorithms in place to determine what appears in their lists and if they start interfering with content then they will be acting against their own principles. I imagine a person or group of people have managed to work out how to work the system and use it in whichever way they choose....shame they couldn't have done something that was actually funny.

Does it stop there? Nope...type "why is there" and see what appears from that entry.

This isn't the first time Google have come under fire for having racist content on their front pages. Not too long ago their was a debate raging due to the first image appearing when searching for images of Michelle Obama being a photoshopped picture of her with a monkeys face.

There was also the email which went round for the "white people stole my car" incident where apparently Google was returning a suggestion of "did you mean black people stole my car?". If anyone bothered to check though this was a hoax and not true although that didn't stop hundreds and thousands claiming they would boycott Google as they are "racist".

On reflection i'd say yes someone has obviously been playing a joke. Is it funny? No. Yes I did laugh but it was more in amazement! Is it Google's fault? nah. We want freedom of speech don't we so if that's the way some people wish to use their skills it's an interesting reflection on them. Let's just hope there aren't too many impressionable youngsters out there who would easily believe this is serious.


Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Oh No D'Angelo

It's been 10 years since D'Angelo's last album Voodoo was released and just like every other fan out there I have been waiting ever since for a new one. So what's he been doing? Well he has been busy getting arrested several times, being involved in car crashes, putting on weight, losing that weight again...it's no wonder he hasn't had much time for music. And now....?

It seems that Michael 'D'Angelo' Archer and Those Dreamin' Eyes of his, decided that One Mo' Gin just wasn't enough and he wanted to get Higher. So he decided to go Cruisin for a Lady who might also Feel Like Makin Love. Well what he did next was not exactly Smooth because he ended up goin for a piece of the Devil's Pie.

If only he had looked Left and Right a few more times he might have realised the undercover cop. After gettin caught red handed trying to pay $40 for a hooker you can bet he was sayin Sh!t, Damn, Motherfcuker!

For the less musical official version see the story on BBC News.

Personally I don't care if he writes the whole of his next album being obese and high on cocaine whilst driving around crashing cars and picking up prostitutes...the guy is a musical genius and the world needs at least one more album!!


Thursday, 4 March 2010

iJoke...White men can't duck

There are surely many ways to botch a trampoline dunk at an NBA game, but a fan at Portland TrailBlazer's game show us smashing one's head into the rim is a particularly brutal and embarrassing variation.

Then think this poor guy has to take the LONG walk back to his seat & for the rest of the game listen to people laughing while think "I’m now a you tube star" NOT your way to be famous for five minutes but I’d rather this than being in the big brother house........
