Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Beat this for a Halloween Trick

So Halloween has passed and seems to be getting bigger and wilder every year (in this country at least). I'm sure a few of you had some crazy costumes and maybe even pulled some funny stunts. For the best trick of the night though we go to the NBA for a game played on Halloween between Sacremento and the San Antonio Spurs.

So the Spurs are up by 3 points in the first quarter, Sacremento are on the attack, when the referee blows to pause play because a bat (how apt) has flown onto the court. In no time at all after play is held, Manu Ginobili swats the bat out of mid-air before picking it up and handing it to an official! If you don't believe me check the video and pic below.

As a precautionary measure Ginobili has been vaccinated for rabies but it is not thought that he has caught anything (apart from the bat). There are mixed reports about what happened to the bat but it looked pretty dead to me.


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