Sunday, 9 August 2009

Nas & Nick Cannon's HipHop PSA seems that Nas still feels that if HipHop is not dead, it still has a terrible disease. I get what they saying, is anyone listening though?!(at this point go listen to the track The Listening by Little Brother).

As it has been for a while now, if you want quality music you just have to look a bit harder under the surface. The kind of music they are mocking has its place I guess, tell me you haven't been pointin to the window, to the wall in a club, or bussin out the latest laffy taffy style silliness. Eat that watermelon, eat that watermelon...!!



Anonymous said...

Sad truth is that you could play that in a club if you showed that on MTV Waste & You Tube enuff!!

LB said...

Exactly, and this time next year it'll be on the 100 "50 RnB classics" albums thay put out every year
