Tuesday, 25 August 2009

FIFA 10 vs Pro Evo 2010

It's that time of year again, the new football season has kicked off and a debate that has raged for years continues...no it's not the one about how can Yakubu only be 22 still? It's FIFA vs PRO! This debate rarely leaves anyone sitting on the fence, you are one side or the other.

I have been a die-hard Pro Evolution Soccer fan since the beginning, it was always the footballer's football game. Maybe it didn't have the polish and flair in presentation of it's rival but as any true gamer knows, it's the gameplay that counts. Pro Evo has grown from underdog to top dog gradually....until last year...

Last year's 2009 release saw a major shift in gameplay and when I say major shift I mean in a backwards direction. So much so I put on a disguise so nobody would recognise me and rented FIFA. I was shocked, it couldn't be. I actually preferred FIFA. To me this was like being forced to eat custard and reluctantly liking it, so much so I wanted more.

This year i'm torn, for once it's not a no brainer, both will have to have serious consideration.

Which one will you buy?!



mister2drink said...

I'm 100% Pro Evo, FIFA just don't do it for me

Anonymous said...

Pro Evo %100

Fifa is kids stuff

Anonymous said...

Pro evo 100% ill never go back to Fifa
