Wednesday, 22 July 2009

I'm sorry for beating your ass....

I'm a little side of me knows there is more to the story and i'm itching to know more. The other side is saying hey i beat ur ass and i'm saying sorry and now i'm gonna sell more records!....what u ask? James Brown did (R.I.P)



Anonymous said...'s a difficult task of readin out a scripted apology and bein able to look sincere.

I know he was jus dyin to add "and by the way my new album will be out before the end of the year!" lol

Patrick said...

New album = more dough..he needs to keep the money coming in to gas up that Veyron he bought.

LB said...

lol too true, he'll be able to drive that to his community service he'll probly be sentenced to.
